File Caching Class


This comes useful when you think about getting content from other sites like RSS Feeds, text feeds, currency conversion rates etc. I tried to make this several times without such an enhancement. Finally the need arose and I have made this a reality.

I will need to find a better code highlighter plugin for wordpress before I can post many php codes and classes. Meanwhile this is being trying for a change:

class fileMgr
var $cache;
var $cacheTtl;

function fileMgr($cache = “cache”, $cacheTtl = 86400)
$this->cache = $cache;
trigger_error(“Cache directory does not exist!”,1);

$this->cacheTtl = $cacheTtl;

function getFileContents($url)
$cacheFile = $this->cache . “/” . md5($url);
if(!$this->isAlive ($cacheFile))
$this->fetchFile($url, $cacheFile);

return file_get_contents ( $cacheFile );

function isAlive($cacheFile)
if(!file_exists($cacheFile)) return false;

$mtime = date(“U”, filemtime ( $cacheFile ));
$ctime = date(“U”);

if(($mtime + $this->cacheTtl) < $ctime) return false; else return true; } function fetchFile ( $url, $cacheFile) { $tmp = file_get_contents( $url ); $fp = fopen ( $cacheFile, "w" ); fwrite ( $fp, $tmp ); fclose ( $fp ); } }